Este lunes 23 de Agosto de 2021 estaremos en Yakarta (Indonesia). Hemos sido invitados a participar en el 4th International Maritime Security Symposium (IMSS) organizado por la Marina de Indonesia.
This Monday, August 23, 2021 we will be in Jakarta (Indonesia). We have been invited to participate in the 4th International Maritime Security Symposium (IMSS) organized by the Indonesian Navy.
Participaremos en la Tercera Sesión: «BUILDING ‘ASIAN SAIL TRAINING ORGANIZATION’ AND ASIAN TALLSHIP REGATTA PROGRAMS», durante 20 minutos nuestro presidente: Ignacio Hornes, expondrá como organizamos y promovemos el Sail Training en España.
We will participate in the Third Session: «BUILDING‘ ASIAN SAIL TRAINING ORGANIZATION ’AND ASIAN TALLSHIP REGATTA PROGRAMS», for 20 minutes our president: Ignacio Hornes, will explain how we organize and promote Sail Training in Spain
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